It's most conspicuous with Scar, who grabs Banzai by the neck during his Villain Song.
Lions in this film have larger dewclaws than in Real Life, which they can use as thumbs to make human-like hand gestures. Rafiki is a mandrill ( Mandrillus sphinx) with a tail of a baboon ( Papio sp.) note One early design also gave him the "cape" of a gelada ( Theropithecus gelada) and the head fringe of a hamadrayas baboon ( Papio hamadrayas) and living in the savannah instead of in the forest Zazu is a red-billed hornbill that is blue instead of brown Pumbaa is a reddish brown warthog that looks more like a big-headed pig than a warthog Timon is an always-bipedal meerkat with human-like teeth and that says "Ugh, carnivores!" even though he belongs to the order Carnivora as well the spotted hyenas ( Crocuta crocuta) bear some resemblance to striped hyenas ( Hyaena hyaena), with grey hair, large shaggy black manes, black ears, and low-hanging heads. Males in The Lion King are monogamous and are much more accepting of others' cubs than real lions. In actuality, neither Mufasa nor Scar fathered Nala. This mean that one must be Sarafina's mate, right? But that makes Nala either Simba's half-sister or his cousin. In The Lion King, Mufasa and Scar are the only two lions in the pride. When new lions overtake a pride they'll kill the young cubs of the previous lion(s) and kick out older cubs (and nearly grown lioness' who haven't reached breeding age yet).
Real lions do not accept cubs who aren't theirs, with the exception of their sibling's or cousin's cubs if relatives rule a pride together.
The confusion over Nala's paternity stems from this trope. Once a garden gets rooted, perennials and self-seeders take over some of the hard work by replenishing themselves each year.Ī garden filled with nectar-rich flowers such as Four O’Clock, Honeysuckle, Petunia, Columbine, Delphinium, Larkspur, Lady in Red, Milkweed, Black and Blue Salvia, Moonflower, Obedient Plant, and Butterfly Bush will certainly attract the White-lined Sphinx moth.Ĭonfused about the difference between butterflies and moths? Look at the antennae! Moths have feathery or saw-toothed antennae whereas butterflies have club-tipped, round-shaft antennae. It is an honor and a privilege get to observe the many pollinators coming to dine at our Lepidoptera Buffet gardens this is our finest reward for the often intense, energy output that is required to grow local host and nectar foods. This gives pollinator farmers endless, quiet hours of satisfying entertainment-far surpassing any electronic device on the market today! #White lion sphinx moth Patch#
This self-seeded patch of Delphinium and Larkspur provides an abundant source of spring and early summer nectar for newly emerging pollinators like this stunning White-lined Sphinx moth. It’s the only pink moth at Lepidoptera Buffet! These markings appear in sharp contrast against the deep blue Delphinium flowers.
As light bounces off each scale, refracted light gives each lepidoptera a unique appearance of markings and colors.Ī member of the family Sphingidae, Hyles lineata is often called a hummingbird moth and sports distinct banding along the thorax of drab tan, black, and white accented with bright pink just above the dark median band across the hind wing.
Each insect of this order is unique in appearance because the scales covering the wings are really just fine hairs, modified and flattened. These insects emerge from caterpillars, have 4 wings, bodies covered in scales, and use a tube-like proboscis in order to eat. Lepidoptera are the biological order of 155,000 species of butterflies, moths, and skippers. The ancient Latin word lepidoptera literally translates to scaly wings. The White-lined Sphinx moth is one of our more unique and interesting visitors to Lepidoptera Buffet.